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Medicare Made Simple

A partnership between MedicareCompareUSA and Acme Health.

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You’ve Trusted Us With Your Health Care.

Now Let Us Help You Make an Informed Decision on Medicare.

At Acme Health, we know selecting a Medicare plan can be confusing and complicated. We have chosen MedicareCompareUSA as the exclusive resource for our patients’ Medicare insurance needs. Their references are impeccable as they work with over 600 hospitals and physician groups around the country. Together we formed a partnership to help you secure a full range of impartial Medicare insurance options. Click here to understand why this makes sense for us and our patients.

By adding MedicareCompareUSA to our growing number of services you:
• Receive quality and impartial consultations on the Medicare plans we accept.
• Stay informed and receive assistance if/when our accepted plans change.
• Can rely on our licensed agents who specialize in Medicare and are knowledgeable about accepted plans.
• Access services free of charge year round and there is no obligation to purchase.
• Have peace of mind knowing health information remains confidential with your care team.

Talk to an agent:

Talk to a licensed MedicareCompareUSA insurance agent and discuss plans for free with no obligation to enroll.
Monday – Friday, 8a.m.-7p.m. CST

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Compare plans:

Explore and compare accepted Medicare plans online. Click below and you’ll be redirected to the MedicareCompareUSA website where you can review various coverage options to meet your specific healthcare needs.

Register for educational Medicare webinars:

Review the basics of Medicare and the choices you’ll need to make in a Medicare 101 webinar and learn more about Medicare Advantage in a Medicare 102 webinar. Register and view a schedule of upcoming online webinars.

Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage Plans

In addition to Original Medicare (Part A and/or Part B), Acme Health also accepts select Medicare Advantage plans. We understand that for many of our patients this is a more affordable option with additional benefits. However, Medicare requires insurers refile plan benefits each year which can change authorization, price, and benefit changes that can be excruciating requirements to deliver care. We are intent on working with plans that bring value to our patients and we continually assess their contractual terms that risk our ability to provide top level care to our patients. MedicareCompareUSA will make sure our patients are getting the facts to make the right choice.
• These Medicare Advantage plans include Medicare Part A and B and usually Part D.
• Some Medicare Advantage plans may have lower out-of-pocket costs than Original Medicare.
• Some plans offer extra benefits that Original Medicare doesn’t cover such a visions, hearing, or dental.

Consult the Medicare and You handbook for more information on these and other types of plans.

Understanding your Medicare options video mockup

You trust us to keep you healthy, now let us help you navigate Medicare.

Medicare plans accepted by Acme Health

Acme Health accepts all Medicare Supplement Insurance plans and is in network with a variety of Medicare Advantage plans. Member benefits vary by plan, so we recommend that you verify your physician is a participating provider and their network status. You can verify provider participation by calling XXX.XXX.XXXX.
View a list of Medicare Advantage accepted plans.

Additional resources

Visit these resources for more information on Medicare or other related services and programs.

• 2022 Medicare Resource Guidebook
• Senior Services and SHIP counselors at Acme Health sites
• Local Area Independent Insurance Brokers
• Tennessee Department on Aging
• Tennessee Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP)

Acme Health makes available to you no-cost, no obligation resources for comparing and enrolling in Medicare plans. We have included several impartial, independent insurance agencies that represent Medicare plans offered through various insurance carriers in the market. Local agents are available by appointment and may be available for in-home appointments or appointments at other convenient locations upon request. Many of these agents provide free guidance to you by accessing your Medicare insurance options and discussing which plan may be best for you. These services allow you to explore your Medicare options. Acme Health is not affiliated with any insurance agencies or insurance agents that may be listed among these resources. MedicareCompareUSA and Acme Health are independent entities.  Powered by and managed by MedicareCompareUSA in partnership with Acme Health. MedicareCompareUSA, a licensed insurance agency that sells Medicare products. MedicareCompareUSA is not affiliated or connected with Medicare or any other government program or agency. MedicareCompareUSA offers plans from a number of insurance companies.

Health enews: More on Medicare

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Medicare 101: What’s the difference between Original Medicare and Medicare advantage?

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What is Medicare Part D?

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