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Medicare Made Simple

A partnership between MedicareCompareUSA and Acme Health.

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MedicareCompareUSA and Acme Health

With literally hundreds of Medicare insurance plans that change every year, it is now more complicated than ever for patients to choose insurance and equally difficult because your provider simply cannot manage the endless changes in benefits and negotiate how payment for services are made on your behalf. There are numerous rules and regulations on what can and cannot be said to our patients directly. The only way we can communicate with our patients is through a licensed insurance agency and we have created one in partnership with MedicareCompareUSA.

When you contact MedicareCompareUSA you will:
• Confirmation of plans we don’t contract with or elect not to participate.
• One-stop-shopping and easy access to insurance so you can make an informed buying decision.
• Contacting insurers directly only gives you plan-specific information.
• Many brokers only work with one or a limited number of insurers.
• First-hand information of what is important to our patients when you speak with one of our agents.
• Plan support year-round, and we’ll provide free annual insurance checkups to make sure you have the right plan as your needs change.

Talk to an agent:

Talk to a licensed MedicareCompareUSA insurance agent and discuss plans for free with no obligation to enroll.
Monday – Friday, 8a.m.-7p.m. CST

TTY users: 711

Compare plans:

Explore and compare accepted Medicare plans online. Click below and you’ll be redirected to the MedicareCompareUSA website where you can review various coverage options to meet your specific healthcare needs.

Register for educational Medicare webinars:

Review the basics of Medicare and the choices you’ll need to make in a Medicare 101 webinar and learn more about Medicare Advantage in a Medicare 102 webinar. Register and view a schedule of upcoming online webinars.